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About Rotary

Your Rotary home in Colwall and Ledbury and East Herefordshire

Rotary in East Herefordshire in 2025

Rotary in general, and Colwall and Ledbury are no exception, had a torrid 2 years of Covid restrictions, through which time we stuck faithfully to national guidelines, and still managed some outdoor activities such as our annual popular Duck Race in West Malvern. Many Rotary groups have indeed folded during this time (Ledbury being one unfortunately) but today we are in fighting fit form and ready to rebuild.

We meet fortnightly on Thursday evenings 7.30 for 8 pm, nominally at our base, Colwall Park Hotel. Some our meetings include food, some do not. 

We offer fun and friendship, our skills, time and effort to support activities in the local community as well as some national and international causes, though as a small Club we do concentrate on local matters, such as Colwall and W Malvern Primary school, Scouts, Colwall Players and similar local groups. We organise speaker evenings, fun events, Xmas carols, visits to factories and other local businesses.

We are no longer a group of old men wearing suits and sitting down to eat of an evening. We wish to do things and help our local communities.

During our leaflet drops we have particularly found many people imagine Rotary is for men only. This is very much not the case; our group currently has lady members and we are always searching for more. The 2022-23 Rotary International President was Jennifer Jones.  We are a refreshingly open organisation for everybody who has the energy to organise events, meet and have fun. 

Why not come to one of our meetings or talk to us, you may be surprised just how energetic we are in our private, business, and community  lives!

Contact us; President Chris Mill on (07976) 989081 or or by email at [email protected] or [email protected]

About Rotary

Rotary was extended to Colwall in 1986 to provide an opportunity for local business people to become Rotarians who were unable to make the lunch time meetings, which were the meeting times of our "mother clubs" of Malvern and Ledbury at that time.

Our membership is drawn from a wide catchment area covering the south-west of Worcestershire and east Herefordshire where we are the only club since the demise of Ledbury Rotary in 2021.

Our main local Community Service focus is applied to the village of Colwall, Ledbury and surrounding communities in and around Malvern. 

Guest visits

We always welcome business men and women who would like to attend one of our meetings, particularly if we have an interesting speaker. If you see anything in our programme of interest then do contact our Secretary and ask to come along.

Potential membership

The prospect of potentially joining a service group such as Rotary may seem a step too far at first. That is why we always accept people visiting us as a guest at first. Time will tell if you feel this is a group of people that is doing things you would be interested in and wish to become more involved.

The same principle applies in reverse as the current members would like to feel that they think you will fit in and add something to what we do as a group. This is not a big deal - time usually gives us the answers to the questions we seek.

To be clear, membership is open to business men and women from 28 years old and upwards. There is no upper age limit.

If you are interested in knowing more about Rotary or if you wish to attend a meeting to see if Rotary Membership would be something that would add something to your life then contact us via the Contact Form.

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