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Appeal for second hand laptops and tablets
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Appeal for second hand laptops and tablets

Do you or any of your friends have an old laptop or tablet that you would be willing to give to Colwall school?

Colwall C of E Primary School does not have sufficient laptops and/or tablets to meet the demand for remote learning during lockdown.

With the permission of Mrs Helen Webb (Headmistress) The Rotary Club of Colwall in the Malvern Hills is coordinating this Appeal.

The school has many families who are managing, by accessing on line material from a phone or sharing one device for several children. The school also has on average 30 children of essential workers in school each day and not enough devices for them to work independently.

Do you or any of your friends have an old laptop or tablet that you would be willing to give to the school?

If you have a machine you are willing to donate please contact me, Alan Bridge: (Past President Colwall Rotary Club: School Governor) by e-mail on [email protected] or telephone  01684-541078. I am prepared to call and collect items with social distancing.

To donate a laptop or tablet please complete the steps below:

  1. Disable start up password protection
  2. Delete personal files and other content (although the school is making use of a trusted computer refurbisher as part of the scheme.)
  3. Include power lead or charging cable.
  4. Attach a label with donor details

It would also be appreciated if machines could be sanitised with alcohol wipes or spray before collection.

If you don’t have a machine and wish to make a cash donation please make contact for details of how to donate.

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