Spring each year sees a beautiful purple carpet of crocus blooming in many communities across Great Britain and Ireland thanks to the Purple Crocus Corm planting to raise awareness of the Rotary fight for a polio free world.
Colwall Rotary Club have teamed up with Colwall C of E Primary School in planting Purple Crocuses in support the ending of polio campaign. (See attached information leaflet)
Rotary clubs are keen to work with the community in their area to plant more purple crocus corms in different places this autumn as well as building on where they already flower each spring.
So if you are a community group of any sort such as a school, a healthcare trust, the local park, a Britain in Bloom group or other Royal Horticultural Society community gardening group or anything else interested in getting involved you can contact Colwall Rotary to help you get ordering and planting yourselves.